Friday, January 21, 2011

The Beginning

I started this journey on July 21, 1990 when the guy almost runs me off the road.  I did not know it was him walking into the church in front of me until the next day.  Went to the reception and there he was setting in the corner talking to some guys.  I asked the groom who he was and I was told Gene Schacherer.  The next thing I knew he was sitting beside me and we started talking and then dancing.
On August 28, 1990 his reserve unit was activated and left for the east coast for 11 months.  He came home a couple times and proposed and we started planning our wedding.  On July 25, 1992 was one of the best days of my life because I got to marry my best friend, lover and soul mate.
He stayed in the reserve for a little while and then we were off to Fort Hood TX for our first duty station.  Shortly after we arrived his unit went to Honduras for about 4 months.  We had some rough spots and a lot of hills to climb.  I am glad that I never gave up and continued the journey with him.
We got out and took sometime from the military and then he joined the Air National Guard and that became part of our world again.  He did that for about 10 years and then he came and said we needed to talk.  We sat down and started talking and he said that he wanted to join the Army full time.  I agreed but scared of him going into his current MOS so we talked about him reclassify.  He reclassified and the military moved us to Fort Bragg NC and our new life began.  What I remember of the military has changed and there are some good changes and some bad changes. 
I love that the have the AFTB, FRG classes, parenting classes, too many others to say and the favorite one that I love they have is MFLC.  I wish they had these great people back when we were in before because they would have helped so many people.

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