Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A step closer to you

As I set here talking to friends on skype and checking facebook and emails and different things all I can think about is I am one day closer to you.  We are so close yet again we are so far away to seeing each other. 
Yesterday some friends and I started Biggest Loser Army Wives Sytle and I weighed myself on Monday and I weighed 170 and then I weighed myself on Tuesday and I weighed 168.  Since my sweet husband has left I have lost 32 pounds and my goal is to get to 125 and if I can't I am ok with that. 
I have found out that I have ADHD and need to retrain myself on how to do things and that is very hard for me.  I am now keeping a calendar of everything and writing everything down.  I just have to remember my list when I leave so I know what I need to do for the day.
Finding this out now at the age I am is hard and then finding it out well he is gone is even harder.  One thing I have learned is when you find things out and you tell your spouse it makes it real, I mean really real when they are not here.  It has also made me grow up even more because it made me realize that I was not being a very good wife to him.
So as Santa would say making a list and checking it twice going make sure I do things right.  Hubby is coming home Hubby is coming home Hubby is coming home sooooooooooooooooooon. 
Well my rambling has gone on long enough talk later.  Have a great day.

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