Friday, January 21, 2011

We have many journeys

We have many journeys in the military from deployments, to field time, to school time and then different ones for us just not our serviceman.  I love my journey as a mother, homemaker, school teacher, and other hats that I wear.
I am starting a new journey and it is my weight loss and it is really hard to do because I really hate how I look but have no clue how to lose the weight.  I can tell others how to do it but taking my own advice is the hardest.  I am currently 172 and would really like to get down to at least 125 if not 120.  I was hoping to be able to lose this weight before my husband gets back from his deployment....I might be able to lose some of it but I don't think I will be able to lose all of it.
My goals is to write on this blog every day with how I am doing with my weight lost and anything else I want to write.

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